How Crackers Are Made ?


How Crackers are Made ?

Firecrackers are typically made using a combination of materials and a specific manufacturing process Firecrackers are generally made of paper or cardboard tubes filled with pyrotechnic composition, typically consisting of black powder (gunpowder). Sometimes, flash paper and a fuse are also used..  

  1. Materials Preparation: Gather paper or cardboard tubes, black powder (gunpowder), and sometimes flash paper.

  2. Composition Mixing: Blend the black powder components: charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter (potassium nitrate), creating the explosive mixture.

  3. Tube Filling: Carefully fill the paper or cardboard tubes with the pyrotechnic composition.

  4. Fuse Insertion: Place a fuse into the filled tube, allowing for controlled ignition.

  5. Sealing: Seal the ends of the tubes to secure the composition and fuse inside.

  6. Packaging: Once assembled, package the firecrackers for distribution and sale.